Lytchett Minster Parish Church
Restoration and Improvement Project.
What We Propose
Lytchett Minster Parish Church Restoration and Improvement Project.
There has been a parish church In Lytchett Minster since the 13th Century. The original church (except the tower) was destroyed by fire and the current building was erected in 1833. The layout of the church was altered in 1977 and there was major restoration to the interior in 1984.
Now we are facing another challenge in maintaining this beautiful building. The Vestry (an extension to the main building on the North side) is subsiding with a large crack appearing in the wall. The Vestry houses the kitchen, robing area and vestment storage as well as administrative items. To rectify the subsidence in this ancient building the foundations will need to be underpinned. Hopefully, this can be completed from outside the building but may need to be done internally
But this is an opportunity as well as a problem – currently the only toilets at the Church are outside and it has long been a desire to have indoor and more accessible facilities. At present people are deterred from attending events due to the walk around the outside of the building or having to wait by the bins, especially when it is dark and wet. This is particularly so for families with young children, the elderly and those with mobility difficulties. This outside toilet must be locked when no event is taking place so anyone visiting the church or graveyard at other times has no facilities. This is particularly difficult for the people who travel long distances to see Sir Francis Younghusband’s grave.
So, it is planned that the work to rectify the subsidence will include removing the old toilet and building 2 new indoor ones ( one with disabled facilities) They will be accessed by a new lobby area to the left of the vestry door. This improvement will be welcomed by many and enable the concert programme to expand and more community events to take place. It will mean no-one will have to negotiate the path around the church and past the bin.
In addition a 14th century bell had to be replaced in 2019 and is currently in the back corner of the church and cannot be seen by anyone. The improvement plans include having a display area for the bell thus allowing local groups and students to see and study it.

A big thank you to Rachel for organising a fantastic Easter Fair which raised over £660 for the toilet fund

Comments of Support for the project
I would fully support this grant application as the church provides an important service to the local community. As a school we use the church’s facilities for special events (especially around Christmas and Easter). The current facilities are inadequate and in urgent need of improvement. We look forward to continuing our close association with the local parish church.
Andrew Mead (MA Hons Oxon)
Lytchett Minster School
I am delighted to offer my support to the proposal to improve facilities at Lytchett Minster Parish Church.
The church has long been a centre of the community in Lytchett Minster, open for all to visit, and a focal point for important events for local people. This includes national events such as Acts of Remembrance on Remembrance Sunday, and also more local activities and events.
I know personally, both as a parishioner and having lived in the village, that Lytchett Minster Parish Church has always been welcoming to visitors and locals. Indoor toilet facilities
would make it more accessible for those who wish to visit as the existing facilities being outside make it difficult, particularly for those who are elderly and infirm.
Whilst the Church is already a welcoming place, working closely with the people in the community and community groups, I know that any improvements that are made will only enhance this.
Michael Tomlinson MP
“ As an active Community Organiser in Lytchett Minster (Telephone Kiosk Book Exchange, Village Pound refurbishment) I am looking forward very much to our local Church being fully equipped with all facilities to extend our local Community Activities (such as a Book Club, Carers Group and various ‘Indoor’ events for local ‘unattached’ and ‘isolated’ residents.)”
Robin SeQueira CBE
Lytchett Minster Resident.
"Lytchett Minster Parish Church have been hosting Village Coffee Mornings for the local community, in the Parish Church and would very much welcome the provision of internal and accessible toilets. Generally those who come are elderly and having go outside and walk around to the back of the church, in all weathers, is unsatisfactory and make the event less attractive."
Ian Jolly