Link Bereavement Group
Losing a partner or loved one is probably the most traumatic experience you will ever face. Learning to adjust your life after their loss is often painful, and takes time.
With time, people learn to cope with the loss, often being able to rebuild their life and take pleasure remembering times shared.
Link meets every 3rd Wednesday in the month from 1.30 - 3pm in St Dunstan's Church, Upton. Just come along, or contact Bill or Matt the vicar. We would be happy to come along with you for your first meeting or visit you at home. Lifts are also available.
Dates for 2022
Jan 19th New Year Resolutions Matt
Feb 16th Funerals Matt
March 16th Discovering Dorset pt 6 Rev Stewart Timbrell
April 20th Is there life after death? Bill
May 18th Basket of Questions Matt
June 15th Photography Mark Rigler
Jul 20th Poems-what's your favourite All
Aug 17th Cream Teas All
Sep 21st Practically Useless Bill
Oct 19th Loneliness Matt
Nov 16th Shock Bill
Dec 21st Christmas Lunch All
Everyone copes with grief in their own way. There is no one way you should be feeling at a particular time and feelings and emotions are often mixed. It can be helpful to express and share these feelings with another person. We are prepared to listen to you and we understand something of how you are feeling. It is often helpful to talk to someone outside the family.